Keren Lowell
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at the Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center
September 26 - November 9, 2014
Lost and Found | Mike Dunham, Anchorage Daily News, 10/23/2014
Portrait | Hanna Craig, 10/15/2014
Groundwork | Marti Glaser, KTUU Morning Edition, 10/15/2014
The Artist at Work | Kathleen McCoy, Alaska Public Media - Hometown Alaska/KSKA with Keren Lowell and Jimmy Riordan, 10/15/2014
Object Runway
hosted by the International Gallery of Contemporary Art
The Creative Impulse behind Object Runway Kathleen McCoy, Hometown Alaska/KSKA, with Keren Lowell and Holly McQuinn, 01/27/2012
Object Runway 4: ‘Wearable art’ sashays back onto Anchorage catwalk this week
Leslie Boyd, Anchorage Daily News, O1/23/2013
Object Runway 2012
Alaska Public Media, 02/01/2012
created by Keren Lowell, modeled by Catherine Walczak, Object Runway Season 4
Mobile Mending
Spenard Farmer’s Market | Heather Arono, Alaska Commons, 05/21/2012
Fiber Students Weave Ties to Commerce, Art
Kathleen McCoy, Alaska Dispatch, 09/14/2013